Female Betta Gouramis?


Fish Addict
Jan 23, 2005
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I was at my lfs tonight and while walking by a tank of tetras I noticed three VERY large short-finned bettas huddling together in a corner behind a plant...... they were advertised as female betta gouramis?? Is there such thing? They were like 6.00$..... they were enormous. I didn't get a good look to see if they were males though, but it is surely a possibility....... Their bodies were larger than any males body that I have........ Although otherwise they looked just like a regular betta...... Can anyone help?
I was going too, but they only had one person working back there and she was waiting on other people..... and before I asked I wanted to know what the actual truth was..... so then I would know if she was wrong, and at which time I could inform them, b/c I just had a feeling the info wasn't right, but I am not one to say anything unless I am SURE! so help me out people! :D
I have no idea what that could possibly be. You'd have to ask first to see if any of us can piece together the truth, I think :lol:
I thought prehaps female paradise gouramis? They're normally sold at a bigger size and look quite similar to bettas.
Oh I forgot to add one more thing.... they all had white lips or white around their lips or something, I will try to get back there soon, so I can see what I can come up with

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