Female betta companions...


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
My friend offered me one of his female bettas because she getting too harassed in her betta community tank. I was wondering if she'd be okay(and wouldnt harass) my community fish in my 35g: whiteskirt and long finned blackskirt tetras, khuli loaches, small pleco, male guppies, a gobie, and a bossy female swordtail. The male guppies are only temperary as they're being sold to a lfs soon.
I just wanted the okay or not okay, before i adopt her.
thanks crew!
I have a community 29 gallon and have a female betta in there. You can read what I have in my 29 gallon in my sig. I guess it might just depend on the temperment.
The long finned blackskirt tetras and male guppies may be a problem. It really depends on the temperment of the female betta. (I also had some females that were harrassed but, when put in a different tank, became the most aggressive.) Go ahead and try it, but have a spare 1 or 2g in case things don't work out. :)
hey snowy
i actually just gave a "friend" of mine a female betta for her community tank which is setup exactly like yours

the betta seemed to be doing fine

*shoots himself*
Yeah the female is doing fine, checking everyone out, very docile. Now i have the temptation to go get another female for her company but i think it may turn out bad knowing my luck and the fact that there needs to be like 4 in a group. :crazy:
I tried to have only two in a tank, and within the hour they were fighting. Mind you, they were aggressive to begin with. I've had 3 in a tank successfully, so if I were you I'd pick up at least 2 females.

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