Female and Male in Adjacent Tanks


New Member
Jan 16, 2005
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I just put my female three spot in an isolation tank in order to treat her unknown illness/parasite/growth. It’s right next to the tank that has a male in it. They’ve been displaying to each other through the glass since I put her in there. I’m now wondering if this is such a good idea. Will they be interested in eating tomorrow? Will they be too stressed out if I need to add medicine? Other comments? -TIA
You could add a sheet of paper between them so they stop displaying. Normaly, I wouldn't think it would matter, but if they are reacting to each other, it's safer to just block their view.
Well, unless they somehow can mate through the glass, i wouldnt really think it'd matter.

Seriously though, if they continue to display for a long period of time, then you should block it off as it may be causing them stress.

Well, she was calmer the next morning - him, not so much. Both are eating and the fin flaring seems to be helping with that - little white patch of whatever it is - on her dorsal fin. Very fascinating fish to watch.
Yeah, they are TimCad, My male pearl gourami is beautiful and orange breasted, but he keeps chasing the other females away........i dont think he knows who he is yet. :p :whistle: :hey:

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