Feisty New World Cichlids


Fish Fanatic
Dec 1, 2003
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here is my bolivian and my angel fighting over an algae wafer... looks kinda dusty b/c they're tearing up the wafer ;)


i snapped a few more pics but they were all blurry :/ but it happens every time they get algae wafers, so ill get em next time ;)

do u know if bolivian rams are also sometimes called ''butterfly rams'' ive been looking for some for a few weeks but cant find any .... i like your bolivian ram tho... very colorfull
yes, butterfly rams are the same, Microgeophagus altispinosa

omg ahhh... that crazy pet store .. i knew it... they changes the name on me... i saw the tank and they were called bolivians the week before.. i went back to get 2 and they were called butterflys... ahhh noo... o well... i have another 10 gallon tank waitin for some new fish so i think ill go pick up a pair of those and hope they get it on lol
Iloveyou your crazy man! LOL! Anywho, nice pic! Like the bolivan ram...very pretty! What other color morphs does it come in?
everyones pics are makin me buy fish... i want bolivians now that i see how good those looked... i also decided on kuhili loaches from someone elses pic... eeep... peregrine im banned from aquachat lol... stupid amazonmoosey
:kewlpics: I like that shot. Just wondering, how hard are rams to take care of?
im pretty sure that Bolivian's dont have any other color morphs although the different sexes are slightly different colors.

Bolivian's are also very hardy fish, but they will not tolerate high Nitrate or Nitrite levels (most fish wont, but i think they are particularly sensitive). They like a lower PH and soft water, but mine is actually around 7.4/7.6 and the water is relatively hard, but not too bad (i have driftwood in there).They are not really aggressive except when mating, they do become more territorial. They eat most anything and dont seem to stress too much... all in all one of my favorites!


PS. anyone know if its a male or female??

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