

Fish Crazy
Apr 22, 2004
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Northwest - Crewe (England)
What do you feed your fish ect.? and how often?. I have a tumbler that has 2 cubes of frozen mixed, 1 cockle, 2 sand eels, 3 krill, and i then fill it 3/4 full of water add 2 drops of garlic let it defrost, let feed a little pour every 45mins to 1 hour, making sure that a piece of krill, cockle or eel goes infirst to distract the triggers and to give the others a chance. Also every other day i add marine snow to it. Feed the mantis a piece of krill and/or a piece of eel.
I feed Cyclopeze, Krill (frozen), Mysis (Frozen), Carnivorre pellets and Nori. The cyclopeze gets fed 3 times a day, the others are fed twice with teh exception of Nori that i feed every 2 days

I also feed Live Phyto nightly
HI Leon,

I use my own frozen stuff I make out of a variety of deli stuff. It changes a little from time to time but is mainly shrimp, shells and all, lobster, scallops, a filet or two of cod or whitefish, perch, sea bass etc. I also add dried seaweed, and usually a can of good flake food.

I thaw it in a 12oz container of tank water, then reblend it with one of those handheld little mixers.

Then I use a turkey baster to target feed all my anemones and corals. The currents in the tank usually scatter it to high heaven and the fishies and crabs then get their feast that way.

My wife will feed them this way twice a day! Scared the bejesus out of me at fist. Semed like way too much, but everything does real well. A marine tank does have an amazing appetitie. I also feed Cyclop-eeze once a day.


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