Fish Addict
I have never had luck with corys in the past. I believe it's most likely because they weren't getting enough food as I tried keeping them with tetras, barbs and danios as tankmates. Even if I fed them sinking pellets, wafers or putting some bloodworms on the substrate their tankmates would greedily gobble it up.
I'm going to try them again in a 29 gallon with a sand substrate and some Honey Dwarf Gouramis (Colisa Chuna) as tankmates.
What is the best way to feed corys that have tankmates in a way so they get plenty to eat?
I'm going to try them again in a 29 gallon with a sand substrate and some Honey Dwarf Gouramis (Colisa Chuna) as tankmates.
What is the best way to feed corys that have tankmates in a way so they get plenty to eat?