

Oct 6, 2003
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How often do you feed your fish? Do you fast them ever? What do you think is ideal for them? I'm not sure why I'm asking, but I just want to know. B)

I feed my fish once a day either daphnia, bioblend, tetramin flakes, or bloodworms. My bettas get Hikari Betta Pellets only because that's all they'll eat.

To a certain extent it depends on what fish you have. AFAIK some of the larger predatory fish may only need to feed once of twice or week. CFC will correct me if I'm wrong :)

I feed my fish daily but only as much as they are able to eat in a few minutes, otherwise you run the risk of polluting the tank. I feed them dried or frozen daily, and live worms once a week, and live river shrimp once a fortnight and I fast them once a week as well.
It says in so many silly books to feed a few times a day, but honestly; who has that kind of time. I idolise my fish, but once a day is all they get. :)
When you have fry, you could give them liquifry maybe two or three times aday in VERY small quantities, but otherwise as the man says, once a day. :lol
It really depends on what kinda fish you have, for instance if you just have tetra, catfish etc... then all you need is to feed them once a day, as if you do more then your going to make it up with more water changes to keep your tank clean. If you venture on the world of Discus you'd be feeding 3-5 times a day for a juvenille and twice a day if they are adults....
Whatever the frequency, it's good to skip a day of feeding. This will help clear the fishes system. Fish can normally survive skipping a few days of feeding anyways.
Mine get fed once everyother day on flakes etc. One or twice a week I'll substitute that with frozen bloodworm but still putting in food for the veggie fish. I usually feed fresh veg to the big tropical tank every 10 days or so.

I do not fast them as they are only fed every other day, if I fed them daily then I would fast them on the seventh day.

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