

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Colorado
whenever i feed my fish, i put in enough for the 3 in the tank, but my agressive molly attacks the other fish when they go to eat, so he gets most of the food in the tank, besides what he also eats that floats to the bottom since the others don't eat from the bottom... Anyone have any ideas to get the food to more than 1 :lol: fish?? :/

Also, my water levels are all at 0 right now, the thing is that my fish who had their fins sticking from their side the last couple days (healing after 2 days of saltwater bath) are not completely healed....should I wait until they're all okay..the reason I ask is because i think this came from a fight 1 agressive molly vs. 2 platies and so if I wait for it to heal it might happen again... I was contemplating adding the other fish (2 guppies, 1 molly :wub: ) to sort of keep him from wreking havoc on the platies... I figure 1 molly can deal with another... :alien:

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