Feeding Your Fish Garlic?


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
I have heard this mentioned a few times or here. I googled and got a bunch of conflicting data :rolleyes: . So who on here feeds their fish garlic? and What does it do?
It meant to stimulate a fish appetite.
Good for protecting fish from parasites.
Important quote:

There is no relationship between garlic's effect on bacterial infections and parasitic infestations. Also, the fish were not fed garlic-laced food; they were injected with garlic extract. That brings into question whether feeding fish garlic extract would be as effective as injecting them with it. Additionally, the garlic extract was prepared freshly for every injection. This is particularly important when taking into account the effectiveness of commercial preparation, and also in light of the fact that allicin, the active ingredient in garlic, is unstable and prone to breakdown in a relatively short amount of time (Cortes-Jorge 2000). Furthermore, since garlic is a non-natural food, the antigen effect of a novel compound may have been responsible for increased immune response, and although they used a negative control (nothing), they did not use a similar variable - i.e. onion, paprika, nutmeg, or whatever else one has in their spice cabinet that they think might somehow help their fish fight disease). And finally, even though all the fish showed improvement by the end of the study, none of the fish was completely healed. They all remained infected with Mycobacterium marinum, although at low levels.

The end result is that garlic has been shown to have some antibiotic effects, this has been latched upon and many hobbiests believe that it will cure anything up to and including AIDS

(Potential exaggeration in last sentence, but the point is made)
I'm with kribensis12 now, I will be trying it out. How exactly do you prepare it?

Also will it protect my fish from those pesky vampires? :fun:
You soak the food in the garlic juice, it boosts the fish immune system.
You soak the food in the garlic juice, it boosts the fish immune system.

I think I did something wrong. I took a piece of garlic and chopped it up, but there was very little juice. Only enough to make the garlic stick to the cutting board. So I confused, how do you get the juice out of the garlic?
someone corret me if i'm wrong but you probably should chop the garlic up in a bowl and add some water. and there you have it, juice.
I can honestly say this is the first time I've even heard of somebody feeding a fish garlic. Honestly, when I saw the topic title I thought somebody had lost it :lol:...so, I would like to apologize. I'll have to do some further research and try it myself :)

God Bless,
I have heard this mentioned a few times or here. I googled and got a bunch of conflicting data :rolleyes: . So who on here feeds their fish garlic? and What does it do?
I feed mine frozen brineshrimp and garlic, I am not sure what it does but they sure like it.

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