Feeding Time!


New Member
Jan 30, 2002
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Just wanna know when it would be best to feed my fish. So far only feeding flakes to neons and mollys. Soon enought a couple of red tail sharks, some eels etc. and other interesting fish that dont munch each other. (cos thats not nice).
So yeh, when should i feed these fishies?
Early morning? Once a day?
catcha  :music:
First don't get two Red tails black sharks, there not good in groups, in-fighting and stuff :)

Feed them when there hungry :laugh: I would leave them a bit in the morning after you switch the light on, to let them adjust. Then when there active feed them.
I feed my main tank twice a day, first thing then at night. In my other tanks, which are a bit over crowided just now, I feed them very small amounts all day long. If i feed just twice I expect the filters to get over worked. Feednig small amounts more ofter reduces waste. But when you go near the tank they go daft just cos they think there going to get feed. ;)
ok cheers for the feeding advice.
with the red tail sharks, i know somebody that has about 4 i think ina tank with 1 molly, heaps of neons and a few other chilled out fish. nothing phsyco. and yeh her red tail sharks seem to like poking each other and chasing each other around. they dont necisarily fight each other.
do you mean they might munch on my neons etc or the might munch on each other???
They usually bully each other, then the others get it as well. But hay the ones your pall has could be perficly normal and just nice. This is the thing with keeping fish all the rules get broken all the time 8)

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