Feeding time

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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Come feeding time, why do all of my bettas shy away from my finger except for the little cambodian girl? And she has a VORACIOUS appetite. There was a piece of bloodworm about one-third her length and she just chomped it down like a little Jaws.

In a few months, I will be asking the forum to participate in a "Bachelorette" type of thingy. I will have to set up spawning equipment first. The I will post pics of my female cambodian and then pics of the available bachelors (cambodians only, each of them is quite different) and the you guys will get to decide who gets her on the first spawning try. :D
None of my guys are shy, as amatter of fact they all eat off of my finger (frozen bloodworms & live brine,chicken liver, krill etc,etc not the pellets, I just let those float :rolleyes: ) But the females do get extremely excited. I have one who would pop right out of her tank and on to my desk when she saw the "food finger" coming :lol: , she's since learned and now she just attacks the food like a great white and latches on to my finger until I shake her off.

You'll have fun spawning them, the first time I spawned the orangies...it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, I actually cried watching them :wub: , and then the second time...well you know how the second time went :rolleyes:
What equipment did you have/need when you first tried spawning? And how many survived? I don't have much space and I am afraid of having a really fertile female. :lol:
My guys are nothing but outgoing when it comes to people and especially during feeding...Have you ever hit your fish to make them affraid of you? :eek: ;)
lol dix

itty bitty

the basics are~ a 10 gallon tank w/lid & lights
lots of silk plants
corner box filter
air pump
50 watt heater
lots of good live food
romantic lighting :lol:
most important~ a pair that likes each other :rolleyes:

now for the fry~
at least a 40 gallon grow out tank with filtration/the works
OR tons of mason jars to keep them in when they get big enough, both average out to cost the same :crazy:
saran wrap to cover the tank/jars with until their labyrinth organ develops

infusoria/live baby brine shrimp to feed

None survived on my first time around, the male did such a fantastic job and everything looked great, he would sit under the nest and watch the eggs but then... :crazy: ...then he started nibbling on the eggs one by one, I guess he got hungry doing all that waiting :rolleyes: , by the 2nd day his nest was completely gone :X
dixaisy930 said:
My guys are nothing but outgoing when it comes to people and especially during feeding...Have you ever hit your fish to make them affraid of you? :eek: ;)
No, I never make any sudden movements or scare my fish purposely. I read to them (currently 'Catcher In The Rye') and babytalk to them. Some of them like to watch TV. A couple of them like to see me type on the computer. They all get excited when it's feeding time. All but one try to avoid my fingers. A few of them attack the tweezers.
wuvmybetta said:
lol dix

itty bitty

the basics are~ a 10 gallon tank w/lid & lights
I can get this as there is a place for this

lots of silk plants
I can get this too

corner box filter
Any preferred brand?

air pump
With an airstone?

50 watt heater
Is that the glass and metal bar I see hanging on the back of the tanks at the LFS?
lots of good live foodWill brine shrimp do?

romantic lighting :lol:
This can be arranged.

most important~ a pair that likes each other :rolleyes:
I will place her next to each one and see who she takes to immediately.

now for the fry~
at least a 40 gallon grow out tank with filtration/the works
OR tons of mason jars to keep them in when they get big enough, both average out to cost the same :crazy:
No place for a 40 gallon. I'll take my chance with the jars.

saran wrap to cover the tank/jars with until their labyrinth organ develops

infusoria/live baby brine shrimp to feed
What is infusoria?

I was told not to watch the male guarding the nest or else he might think I'm a predator trying steal his brood and will eat them himself not giving the predator a chance.
I think my box filter was made by Lee
it's just a little box that you put active carbon and filter floss in (two more things for your list)

don't worry about an airstone, you just need the little box that plugs in and makes air and the tubing, the corner filter will come with everything else you need

yes, the heater is what you've been seeing,make sure you get a SUBMERSIBLE heater so you can put it in the tank lengthwise (since your tank will only be half full of water in the beginning) If you buy a 10 gallon KIT ,it should come with a heater ;)

live brine is great, also use FROZEN or LIVE bloodworms, fruit flies etc etc ( variety is good, brine really has no nutritional value, it's just empty meat)

infusoria is just microscopic living organisms pretty much. If you take a scoop of tank water in a jar, add a piece of clean lettuce, cover it and set it in a sunny spot (window sill) for a couple of days you'll have infusoria growing, you can feed them drops of the water using a dropper

If you have a cycled tank ....you can use filter floss from there in the box filter, if NOT, you'll have to cycle the tank because you'll lose all of your fry from an ammonia spike, they have to have cycled water in the beginning

This is true about watching the male, although I don't think that was the case with mine, I watched from a distance...he couldn't see me see him :lol:

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