feeding south americans!!

bichir boi

Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
hey i no that south american puffers beak grow very quikly. I heard that placing the food on a stone can help. Placing prawns and cockel is easy bt blood worms are a lot harder as it jst flyes about everywhere. Any tips and any other foods that can help work down their beaks????
Snails (once that are small enough for them to crush, else they'll only bite of the head) and ghost shrimp will do the trick as well =) However, keep feeding on the rocks as often as you can as well, and do keep an eye on all so you'll be in time to cut if you have to.
cool i will. I dnt have a problem cutting it id jst rather nt. Im sure its very stressful. Yea getting ghost shrimp is easy i work at an lfs as a sunday job. Snails may be a bit difficult tho. Cheers!
bichir boi said:
...I dnt have a problem cutting it id jst rather nt....
Here mate, you dropped something...

haha funny guy, srry im just use to typing like that...because of msn and texting. Ill try to use proper english next time.
bichir boi said:
haha funny guy, srry im just use to typing like that...because of msn and texting. Ill try to use proper english next time.
HAHA, dropping constanants now, soon you will have nothing to post.

what?? a constanant are letters that arnt A E I O U....did i miss any out -_- ?
you missed a d in 'used' thats all =) Just let them mess around :p
Erised said:
you missed a d in 'used' thats all =) Just let them mess around :p
Yes, sorry bichir boi, it was just the d in used. Don't mind me, it was a jest :nod:

lol ok wel i better not miss any out ive got my GCSEs in a few months!!!
And an apostrophe!

We are now going to bully you about everything!

Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And in your GCSE's your sentence should look a lot like this:

Lol! OK, well, I had better not miss any out: I have got my GCSE's in a couple of months!

There you go.

lol ok thats very good to know but i don't care about my english on a fish forum lol. Im expected an A tho :D .
Puffer_freak said:
And in your GCSE's your sentence should look a lot like this:
Lol! OK, well, I had better not miss any out: I have got my GCSE's in a couple of months!
Wrong! there's no apostrophe for plurals, it's neither a possesive nor a contraction.

Should be:

Lol! OK, well, I had better not miss any out: I have got my GCSEs in a couple of months!


Lol! OK, well, I had better not miss any out: I have got my G.C.S.Es in a couple of months!


Lol! OK, well, I had better not miss any out: I have got my General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations in a couple of months!

So Nyah. :p

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