Anyone ever caught one of these things and dropped it into your tank? I sw one last night and was soo tempted to drop it into the tank with the oscar and let him suck it down. But I didn't know if that would be a really bad idea or not.
These primitive insects feed on foods as well as woolen items. They like dark, warm, moist situations. Scales on the body give them their silvery appearance. Adults are about 13mm long. Nymphs look just like them, only smaller.
You're most likely to find them in bathroom of an older home when you turn the lights on. I like most bugs, but these things always gave me the creeps.
A friend of mine had some sort of cichlid and they only fed it insects they caught around the house. It was mighty big and mighty healthy looking back then.
But, this was before I was into fish keeping. I couldn't safely tell you one way or the other.
thats not what it is. the thing I was looking at was some very hairly looking worm thing with lots of feet. think centipede or millipede with lots of hair.
So THAT'S a silverfish...I have them all over the place outside,I see them in our shed alot.
I wouldn't feed your fish a millipede or centipede looking critter,some of those carry toxins and can actually sting or bite,can't remember which. There is one kind here that they warn us about,carries a nasty little bite/sting.
I like silverfish they are really pretty when they move
I wouldnt feed them to my fish though becuase they may have anything potentially poisonous in its body. also because I like the little things. you could buy commercial crickets or mealworms and feed those, I expect. but they usually have higher levels of calcium than normal crickets becuase theyre intended for reptiles but I dont think thats a problem if used sparingly.
i'm always tempted to get bugs and worms and crawly things i see outside and bring them to my fish, but i never know what fertilizers or insecticides or chemicals they've possibly been into, so i never do. tempting, especially with my golden wonder - i should name him Mikey - he eats anything (from a Life cereal commercial, for the younguns)
I'm tempted to start my own cultures and grow my own food like mosquito larvae or worms but haven't gotten around to it yet, plus it would freak out my girlfriend and her mother would never approve of it. She'd think the mosquitos would carry West Nile or something even though that can only be transmitted by first biting someone/thing infected.