Feeding Schedule

once a day after i have had my own grub!! ;)

Usually between 8pm - 10pm when their tank lights are still on. This is only 'cos I picture them to be "asleep" when the tank lights are turned off!

Suppose though you need to take into account what sort of fish you have too. :dunno: By this i mean if you have catfish or clown loaches etc, that are more nocturnal they would, I presume prefer to eat after "lights out".

You've got me thinking now!! :blink:

steve 8)
Hi MyDogIsJealousOfMyFish :)

I like to feed my fish at least twice a day because the chances of having uneaten food spoil in the tank is less with more frequent, but smaller meals than it is with one big one.

Why are you considering changing to feeding only once a day? :dunno:
We are going away to Florida soon for 2 weeks. My non fish keeping neighbour will be coming in to feed the fish. He is pretty busy with work and his daughters dance classes so I thought once per day would be good while we are gone. If the fish do well I would probably leave it there.
Inchworm said:
Hi MyDogIsJealousOfMyFish :)

I like to feed my fish at least twice a day because the chances of having uneaten food spoil in the tank is less with more frequent, but smaller meals than it is with one big one.

Why are you considering changing to feeding only once a day? :dunno:
I can see your point here Inchworm and I used to do two smaller feeds a day. :nod:

Problem was that my bottom dwellers (cories and loaches) weren't getting a look in because the higher feeders were getting all the food before it sank. :/

I now do one larger feed, which allows some of the food to actually reach the bottom and my cories and loaches get some decent grub!! :kana:

steve 8)
Hi MyDogIsJealousOfMyFish :)

I see. Then feeding only once a day would make sense. I would recommend feeding in the morning then, but only a small meal.

They will do fine on reduced rations until you return. This will also keep their wastes to a minimum which, unless he will be doing a water change while you are gone, will help keep the tank cleaner too. :D
No I won't ask him to do a water change. I plan on doing a big one the night before we leave and I think that should carry the tank through if the fish are only being fed once per day. I was planning on having him use a small measuring spoon something like 1/8 of a teaspoon plus three sinking carnivore pellets for the loaches and corys ( 2 of each, they seem to love those) until we get back. Thats in the 38 gal community tank.

The betta tank (10 gal) will get a large water change the night before and I have no doubts that they will carry through fine until we are back. :fish:
Get a light timer from Radio shack so the fish stay on their day night schedule.

Get an electronic feeder like this one.

Set it so it despenses how much you want to feed. Fill it up and ask your non fish friend to just check the level of the food in the feeder.

Tell him to take the betta home with him

Most friends think they are helping by increasing feedings. This way you set the amount and schedule.

Best $15 I ever spent.
I feed once in the morning when I turn the lights on and once at night before I turn the lights off. My fish seem to be happy that way. :thumbs:
Blue Lobster said:
Most friends think they are helping by increasing feedings.
Hi MyDogIsJealousOfMyFish :)

Blue Lobster is right about this one. :nod: But, a less expensive way of doing it is to get a couple of those pill containers that have compartments for each day of the week. Then you can measure out the amounts and he can just put it in.

A timer would be a good idea for the lights though. It's healthier for the fish to be on some kind of normal day/night schedule.

It's good to have a neighbor who is so willing to help you out while you are away. :thumbs:
I usually feed my fish twice a day... they always seem hungry!!! I'm also leaving for 2 weeks this Thursday... and Im soooo worried about my fish. :sad: My uncle is going to feed them... but Im worried that hes either going to feed him to much or too little.... But what if something goes wrong with the heater (as it has in the past)... or what if a disease breaks out or something?? I'm just really worried... I hope they are ok.....
Guys, I feed my fish like twice a week..at most!!! Sometimes once! Is this a bad thing, should I feed them daily?

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