feeding schedule


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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okay, i have 6 days old betta fry. -_- i'm really overly concenred about their feeding schedule and diet beucase i think the first spawn are very slow in growing becaseu they weren't fed good enough in the beginning.

So, since they one, i've been feeding them microwrms, the probelm is that i see most of them on the surface, or resting on leaves, and the worms i know will tend to sink to teh bottom. i tried to make it go down the leaves and sit it with the fry but i can't really see them :blink:

they are fed twice a day, i'm afraid to feed mroe becuase i can neve really tell if they're done eating it :crazy:

and yesterday, i starrted to givethem some first bites by hikari. I see some pecking on it but again i dont' know if any is going down thier stomach.

So, what now? do i keep feeding them the mw and first bites..until when? when will they outgrow tehse things?

okay much as i HATE hatching bbs..i'll do it *pout* if i really have to :sad: just becuase they're such sweethearts.
well experiment a lil, try differnt foods and stuff untill u find out wat they really like. belive me if they are hungy they will eat it.
obviusly they'll eat anything if they're hungry. But i really can't and don't wnat to "experiment" with betta fry :/ i think i have the responsiblity and not use them as guinea pigs, so i'm hoping someone here could tlel me what they feed their bettas throughout the growing time :)
cutecotton said:
obviusly they'll eat anything if they're hungry.
Doubtful,this is betta fry we're talking about. :lol:

Get a cup and put about a teaspoon of tank water in it.Swish your microwormy finger in the water....then use an eyedropper to squirt out a little bit at a time. This way you can get them in the general vacinity of the fry and there's not quite such an overwhelming cloud of worms . They also sink slower this way too.

You should feed them as often as they like. I prefer to keep mine with full tummies at all times. I rarely feed less than 6 times a day.

Also...squirt some on the glass above the water surface above the fry,they'll drip down slowly and the fry will catch them.

that makes sense wuv! *lightbulb turns on* i've been using a syringe and spraying very concentrated amoutn of mw into the tank, cuasing a cloud of worms to just sit and completely miss the fry :(

how do you tell if they're full :blink: at 6 days, can you see a red belly? what will a belly filled with microwrms look like? white? :blink:
Yep, if they are eating MW's, there stomachs will be white.

I do suggest you get the BBS going though, there's nothing better than watching your beloved little fry eat their first BBS, they start going after them with gusto! It's wondeful and well worth the hassle. Your fry will love you for it :)

okay well the bbs is in the hatchery hatching now :thumbs: hopefully by tmr they can have a nice meal :D

what else can i feed htem besides micrworms? but not bbs (just in case my hatchery fails)?
The only other thing I use to feed is Vinegar Eels, and I only use them for the first week, so they're already past them. Other than that mine get BBS and MW's until MW's are too small to bother with, then it's just BBS until they are big enough to start getting frozen Hikari Adult BS, then after that Hikari frozen bloodworms and cut up live blackworms. (this is when mine really start a growth spurt).

i think i'm most afraid of the part where you switch from live bbs and mw to frozen blodoworms and stuff. I can't get my current fry to get off live food and start eating frozen things :/
cutecotton said:
i think i'm most afraid of the part where you switch from live bbs and mw to frozen blodoworms and stuff. I can't get my current fry to get off live food and start eating frozen things :/
Well when mine have first gotten their frozen adult brine shrimp, I started with just a few and watched, most didn't want it and kept waiting for the BBS...so I walk away, when I come back a few minutes later, the frozen BS is gone, if I'm sitting in front of the tank they keep thinking the "good" stuff is still comeing, but if I leave then they realize that's it and go get it before the others do, Lol. Once they eat that, I add more. So I just need to be sure to not watch them for long and they'll eat it, hunger does wonderful things. Once they're used to it, then they gobble it up as soon as it goes in.


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