Feeding Schedule?

i feed mine just before lights on and just after lights off
I feed mine every night and often in the morning as well. They get a variety of foods including Hikari Sinking Wafers, Ocean Nutrition Flake Food, live blackworms, or frozen bloodworms. :D
Nightly before lights-out on Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun. I alternate Nutrifin sinking pellets, Hikari micro granules, and frozen bloodworm or daphnia.
Nightly before lights-out on Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun. I alternate Nutrifin sinking pellets, Hikari micro granules, and frozen bloodworm or daphnia.

So you're feeding only 4 days per week? I'm feeding my tank morning and evening. I feed the rest of the tank flakes, and drop 3 pellets for the 4 Cory's at the night feeding. They seem to be scooping up any extra flakes at both meals, then work on the pellets. Any thoughts from the experts?

I have 6 Zebra Danios, 9 Neon Tetras, and a male Betta in with the 4 Cory's in a 26 gallon tank.
Yep, 4 days a week. All of them are growing happily. I have to be a bit tactical though, as they're in with Angels - make sure I distract the angels with something at one end of the tank while dropping food for the cories into the undergrowth for them to find.
Thanks Craster. With a community tank like I have, is there any known risk to them over-eating?
Overeating isn't likely to be a problem, but uneaten food can decompose in the substrate, and as cories live on the substrate, can cause them to get bacterial infections.
I feed them about twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.
I feed twice a day in my morning a few minutes after lights on. Then again around 7:00pm. I feed them crushed cichlid pellets, algae wafers and shrimp pellets. Most of the time they just get crushed pellets.
I feed twice a day, once right when the lights go on, and again right before the lights go off. Usually Hikari Sinking wafers and whatever Tetra Pellets they can steal from the neons and sidthimunkis. They fast on fridays and mondays, and saturday everyone gets a treat of some bloodworms. Giving them one or two days of fasting is something that is recommended on the "I Love Corydoras" website and i've also heard it from a few others as well.

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