Feeding Schedule For Dps


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
I got a trio fo DPs yesterday afternoon. Other than a little nibble here or there, they havne't really ate anything (frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp). Just wondering if I should not feed them for a day or so and then try again, or keep trying? Also, once they hopefully start eating good, what kind of schedule should they be on? I have a tank on snails I'm raising for them for a 2-3 times a week treat, but I'm not sure how often/how much I should feed them.

When I got my DP's they refused to eat for the first couple of days - I ended up buying live bloodworm for them which they gobbled up, even though they'd been brought up on frozen (just being stubbon).

I gradually swapped them over to frozen bloodworm, which they get once a day.

Afraid I don't know about the snails.

Good site to look at is dwarfpuffers .com (delete the space - for some reason I can't post links at the mo).

Kim :)
I've always had the best luck with live bloodworms and blackworms. But my DP's hav also taken frozen glassworms readily. Try those and see if you can get some small live snails from the LFS!

Good Luck

If you are using frozen bloodworms try wiggling the frozen block in the water to defrost them. This will make them look "live" to the DPs and they may be more willing to take them.

Saying that though, we have just moved our DPs to another tank and they took a few days before they settled back down and started eatng again properly.
My DPs started hunting snails within an hour of being put in their tank after getting them home from the shop. They take live foods over frozen, but they aren't really too fussy. Can't get them to eat bits of mussel like I was told they would. I think the thing is that animals have their individual quirks and preferences just like people. As Lennon sang, "Whatever gets you through the night". Or something. I think I just had some sort of flashback there.
I didn't feed them yesterday bc I was gone from 7:30 a to after 10 p. I'll try again today though. They are constantly hunting for snails I've noticed, but the other puffers I had in there a few days before the DPs got them all I think. I have small snail bowl set up just to grow them some treats. It's been 3 days today since I got them... hopefully they're settling in good enough to eat.
Once they start eating well I'll feed them once a day, and throw some snails in with them 2-3 days a week too. Does that sound ok, or should I feed them up to 2x a day, like most my other fish?
Thanks for all the help!
I feed mine 2X daily except on weekends when we camp, then they get their bloodworms before we go and I pop in a bunch of snails. I never come home to sunken bellies, but I do get the puppy dog look while they zip around the front waiting for the bloodworms. I swear they can see the freezer opening!
OK, great. They started eating a bit better today, but they still won't touch one once it hits the floor and isn't caught up in the current anymore. Not sure what to do about that. I'm wasting quite a bit just to feed them a little, kwim? BTW, do you have any other fish in with your puffers?

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