Feeding Ring


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
so i noticed the lfs sells feeding rings for £1.99, floats on the surface of the water floating food is put in the ring this keeps all the food in one area of the tank thus making clean up easyer plus it doesnt get thrown around by the filter, anyway i decided that i wasnt paying 2 quid for something i could probably find lieing around the house.


short piece of air line tubing
old air stone connector/small pipe that will fit inside the tubing



connect one end of the air tube to the plastic connector and the same with the other end


float in tank add food

simple as that
Just like all the best ideas -- simple but effective!

Now you just need to find food that you can be sure never sinks!
i did a DIY one of these a few years ago now similer in idea but the tubing went around and then went into the other end. if you follow lol.

anyway my filters just blew it all over the place and the food didn't stay in lol.

i actually use floating cichlid pellets but again filters would just blow it around

or just get a lid off an old AQUARIAN or KingBritish style food tub and cut a hole in the top.. work even better lol :p
you could get some suction cups like these and attach it to the ring so it would stay in one place

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