Feeding Questions


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
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it sounds like a real beginner question, but it's very important for everyone to know.

i have a rio 400, which includes;

1 bala
6 gouramis
7 neons
3 mollies
4 flying foxes
2 cories

i want to know how often the experts :p feed their fishes. i pesonally feed them three times a day on flakes. someone has told me that this is too much; the different replies i've heard are once a day, once every other day, amongst others :S .
the last thing i want to do is overfeed my fishes and they all die. so please can everyone give their opinions on the best method of feeding tropical fishes.
another good idea could be is how often do you vary with the diet; like give worms every once a week, etc, etc

please if you could leave your opinions for both me aswell as other potential enthusiasts!

thank you so much
Three times a day is a bit too much. I would feed them once when you wake up and once when you go to bed. Many people say to feed them as much as they can eat in 3 minutes, but I think that's waaaay too much. It can easily pollute your tank. Feed them as much as they can eat in about one minute. My fish are all fed this way and they are looking very nice.

In terms of food, I mix different types of foods, like flakes, pellets, granulates, and bloodworms. I've been told not to put too many bloodworms in my mix though because it can makes your fish constipated. Wait around for another opinion. :D
Once per day is plenty. There won't be uneaten food, and your fish will produce less waste. Easier on your bio filter.
i feed once a day and have pellets, flakes brine shrimp blood worns and daphnia which i rotate but doing all flakes one day then all pellets the next then blood worm the next - well you get the idea

although i always add sinking pellets for the corries and khulie loaches and do daphnia and blood worm once a week alternatively.

it does depend on your fish though - the puffers eat twice a day in one tank and every other day in another and don't eat any of the above!!

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