i need a proper schedule for feeding. i've been feeding the following in different portions and at different times but i could use a guideline to keep things in order...
frozen brineshrimp
frozen bloodworm
frozen tropical fish food(life line carnivore minced)
tetra flake
sinking algae tablets
it's a 75 gallon with...
6 lemon tetras
6 pristella tetras
6 neon tetras
4 albino cherry barbs
6 cherry barbs
6 leopard danios
6 mollies
1 rtbs
2 kuhlie loaches
1 bristlenose
2 adf
4 ottos
2 dwarf gourami
whenever i feed it seems like there's a LOT of food going in and it turns the tank messy instantly. i've been feeding just flake one day then the next i add the flake and 1 each of the cubes and pellets. am i feeding proper or not?
frozen brineshrimp
frozen bloodworm
frozen tropical fish food(life line carnivore minced)
tetra flake
sinking algae tablets
it's a 75 gallon with...
6 lemon tetras
6 pristella tetras
6 neon tetras
4 albino cherry barbs
6 cherry barbs
6 leopard danios
6 mollies
1 rtbs
2 kuhlie loaches
1 bristlenose
2 adf
4 ottos
2 dwarf gourami
whenever i feed it seems like there's a LOT of food going in and it turns the tank messy instantly. i've been feeding just flake one day then the next i add the flake and 1 each of the cubes and pellets. am i feeding proper or not?