feeding prawns to fish


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
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hi i have 6 tiger barbs, one sailfin plec, RTBS, i have in the past fed them prawns that i have cooked, is it ok? is it safe?
Shrimp are a great ingrediant for making your own food. I just mixed up a batch with shrimp(including the shell - good protein), scallops, carrot, mysis, brine, multivitamins, flake food, pellet food, salmon, and some seaweed. They go absolutely crazy over it.
In the wild shrimps make up a very large part of all omnivorous and small carnivorous fish so make a excellent staple food for aquarium fish, i use 3 types of shrimp in my daily feedings, mysis shrimp for small fish, gamma shrimp for medium sized fish and krill and live river shrimp for large fish.

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