Feeding Plecs


New Member
Mar 25, 2008
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United Kingdom, Thornaby, Stockton-On-Tees

I have 3 Bristlenose, 1 Clow Plec, and 3 otto's.
I have 3 snails also, i put some cucumber in my tank and nobody except my guppies seem interested.
How long should i leave cucumber in there??

Should i try something different to cucumber?


leave the cucumber in for all day or all night. I think 24 hours is too long. Just half a day. I would try at night because well that's when these guys are most active.

Also get the algae wafers and drop them in the same spot every day. They will soon learn where the food can be found. I have a Clown pleco and a bristle nose, and a lonely oto ( all his friends died). The Clown is the oldest and she knows when the other fish get excited her food is on the way. She loves the wafers and sinking cichlid pellets. My Bristle nose is the clean up crew she comes in and gets all the left overs. The Oto has also learned when and where to get food. He will come down and eat all the little pieces that the other fish leave behind.

Don't worry too much. Fish have a good sense of smell and they will find the food in time.
Also make sure you have some bogwood in the tank as this contains a chemical known as lignin, this is esential for digestion.

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