Feeding Plecos?


New Member
Jan 21, 2007
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I've been feeding my Plecostomus algae disks from the pet store for the past two years I've had him. I recently read in a fish book that they can eat greens instead. What kind of greens do they mean? How would the greens sink to the bottom; wouldn't they just float on the top?
Most any veggie, with the exception of corn, is good for plecs. Zuccini & other squash are a favorite, I've fed spinach & romaine lettuce as far as greens go.

As far as getting it to sink, everything from a rock with a rubberband to a device called a screwcumber have been used. I use stainless steel screws from the hardware store.
you can feed them on lots on lots of things i use potato, cucumber, zuchini ( excuse spelling ) , peas and maybe a few other things which no doubt some1 will add wen they reply! to get them to sink is simple, you just add a lead weight through the middle and it will sink! potatos sink on there own but i dont no why!
If you boil zucchini very lightly, I find it tends to sink of its own accord. My bristlies are also fond of sprouts.
If you boil zucchini very lightly, I find it tends to sink of its own accord. My bristlies are also fond of sprouts.

I've got two large plastic clips with suction cups on the back, I usually use those for Cucumber which right now is the only type of veg I've experimented with, other than that I use frozen Spinach cubes and Algae wafers. One of my plecos has also aquired a taste for bloodworm which I'm told if fine as they are an omnivorous species.
That's for all of your suggestions. I'll try using lettuce and attaching it to a rock with a rubber band. Maybe I'll try bloodworms too, as my Tuxedo Swords can have them as well.
my plecs have mainly eaten cucumber i no zukini is supposed to be there favoeite but they will compleatly devoure a peice of cucumber ,,,,,,,,,,as far as sinking it i find a flat long rock strap a rubber band to it as mutch as possible then i bend a paperclip into an s and gook it to the rubber band and the other end to the cucumber since it floats it stands strait up potatos they eat those??????/ plase reply i wana try that
I don't know if they eat potatoes or if it is good for them. Potatoes are full of startch mostly which might or might not be good for them.
Do you know what species of plec he is? While most plecs will need and readily eat veggies, it really depends on the species - and some plecs have different needs with regards protein etc.

Common plecs are omnivores, which means they can eat pretty much anything lol. Panaques (royals, flash plecs, etc) need more bogwood in their diet than most plecs. Some plecs are carnivores and will rarely eat veg. Some plecs (nuggets) eat the nutritious film that covers rocks and hard surfaces.

So it really depends on what you've got as to what to recommend :)
At the pet store the label only said 'Plecostomus', so I'm not sure what species he is. After doing a bit of research, I'm pretty sure he mighty be a Common Pleco. His head (well, the bottom of it!) is in my sig.
At the pet store the label only said 'Plecostomus', so I'm not sure what species he is. After doing a bit of research, I'm pretty sure he mighty be a Common Pleco. His head (well, the bottom of it!) is in my sig.

He certainly does look like one from that pic - but a full pic would help (and be nice, I love commons lol).

If he is a common, he's an omnivore, which means he can have veggies, wafers, bloodworm, prawns - bit of everything really. Keep the prawns and bloodworm (shrimp pellets, other meaty treats) to once a week, veggies a couple of times a week, and wafers to supplement throughout.

ITHURTZ - your plec will need a more varied diet than just fish food, most plecs need veggies a few times a week, plus a good plec wafer alongside - and as mentionned, possibly other things too (bogwood, protein etc) depending on what species he is ;)

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