Feeding Plecos? L201 Hypancistrus Inspector & L340 Mega Clown


Fish Fanatic
Dec 19, 2011
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I currently have 3 plecos in my tank which are the L201 Hypancistrus Inspector (snowball), L340 Mega Clown and a L162 Clown Plec. The clown plec has been in there a while and pretty much lives off the bogwood and driftwood in the tank but I recently got a L201 and L340. The trouble is is that I also have 6 yoyo loaches that pretty much eat anything soon as I put it in the tank. I've tried feeding both the plecs bloodworm, brine shrimp, turtle food (meaty), and algae wafers but I'm not sure if they're getting enough or even any food before it's all gobbled up by the loaches. Only had the plecs around 2 weeks now and they seem quite shy and usually only move out of their spots once the lights are out.
I'm just wondering if they're going to be OK and if anyone has any advice on how to get them eating and what foods they prefer?

Thanks for reading
I always had problems keeping plecos and loaches together for the most part. I had to sell on my yoyos for harassing the angels and bn and after my clown loaches did in 6 different bn. I figured it out and stopped trying to keep them together.

Loaches are Asian and plecos are SA and never the twain shall meet, at least not in nature. Both want to occupy the same places in a tank though. That often means problems.

Hypans are omnivores with a predeliction for meaty foods. However, they should eat their veggies now and then. I will mix in veggie sticks with the earthworm sticks and every Saturday all my fish get spirulina w/ garlic- flake or bits.
I always had problems keeping plecos and loaches together for the most part. I had to sell on my yoyos for harassing the angels and bn and after my clown loaches did in 6 different bn. I figured it out and stopped trying to keep them together.

Loaches are Asian and plecos are SA and never the twain shall meet, at least not in nature. Both want to occupy the same places in a tank though. That often means problems.

Hypans are omnivores with a predeliction for meaty foods. However, they should eat their veggies now and then. I will mix in veggie sticks with the earthworm sticks and every Saturday all my fish get spirulina w/ garlic- flake or bits.

Thanks for the help. Luckily enough I've got enough spots in the tank for them both and 99 times out of 100 when I check where my plecos are they're always in the same spot unless I check at night when the lights are out. The main problem is the feeding though. I sometimes put the bloodworm or brine shrimp right under the plec's mouth and they don't really seem interested but within 2/3 minutes it's usually all gone which I assume is down to the loaches rather then the pleco. I am planning on getting rid of the loaches soon and thinking about replacing them with corydoras but I do like the loaches and they're brilliant at finding any leftover food and eating it. Just a shame they're too brilliant at doing it has it doesn't give any of my other bottom dwellers a chance to get near it. Going to have a look at where I can get earthworm sticks from are any other meaty types of sticks. Was also thinking about trying prawns as well but not sure yet.
i use these as part of my meaty foodstuffs.

nova tabs

a couple of my plecs really like them, a big enough plec could probably swallow a whole one. they're just a bit smaller than a 5p piece i think. you can also press them onto the glass for other fish to nibble on.
i use these as part of my meaty foodstuffs.

nova tabs

a couple of my plecs really like them, a big enough plec could probably swallow a whole one. they're just a bit smaller than a 5p piece i think. you can also press them onto the glass for other fish to nibble on.

Are they the JBL NovoTabs? Think I might give them a try
yeah jbl novo tabs, sorry got my spelling wrong. they work out at about 8-9 quid a pot with postage, which is quite a lot for me to spend on a tub of food. but theres a good few in there as they're quie small.
I have a common pleco that gets it's food attacked by the corys but if he is in a food mood he kicks them all away with no problem. He is picky for the types though so it's a good idea like previously suggested to try feeding them something different. My pleco won't touch the jbl novo tabs I got but he loves the hikari sinking wafers for corydora catfish(orange pack) more than his hikari algae wafers for plecos(he is mainly an algae eater)
Also, yours may feel a bit threatened now in a new tank so it will take time for them to get brave. Make sure there are enough hiding spots.
There's plenty of hiding spots to choose from so that's all good but they're still shy. They never venture out during the day and only come out at night if it's quiet or the lights are off but if they see me they soon scurry away again. Might give the sinking wafers a try though

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