Feeding Pictus


Aug 30, 2007
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I have a couple of Pictus in a 180 ltr tank alongside 3 rather large Tin Foils. I have plans to relocate the Tins but meanwhile they seem to be stealing all of the food meant for the cats. I try to sneak some sinking pellets whilst feeding the tins with their food but they always spot the pellets, hoover them up and then continue with their own food.
Any ideas what I could feed the cats that the Tins would leave alone please?

As an aside, the fish are part of a tank that I bought on Sunday. Whilst transfering the fish, the previous owner netted the Pictus and badly snagged one of them in the net. It took a while to free the poor thing and cutting the net was the only way to get it free.

He has been a bit quiet in this tank and seems to choose a spot and pretty much lie there only moving when the other Pictus or the flying fox disturbs him. He does occassionally have a mad minute and swim the tank, only to settle back where he was. I've not seem him eat (or the other one for that matter for the reason explained above) and his pectoral fins (the very sharp, barbed ones) look as if they are red (as if bleeding internally). Not a lot but enough to be noticable. I'm hoping that it is just stress and he will settle down soon.
His fins don't seem to be clamped (at least not to a great degree) but he is much quieter than the other one.

Hope you can help.

I have a couple of Pictus in a 180 ltr tank alongside 3 rather large Tin Foils. I have plans to relocate the Tins but meanwhile they seem to be stealing all of the food meant for the cats. I try to sneak some sinking pellets whilst feeding the tins with their food but they always spot the pellets, hoover them up and then continue with their own food.
Any ideas what I could feed the cats that the Tins would leave alone please?

As an aside, the fish are part of a tank that I bought on Sunday. Whilst transfering the fish, the previous owner netted the Pictus and badly snagged one of them in the net. It took a while to free the poor thing and cutting the net was the only way to get it free.

He has been a bit quiet in this tank and seems to choose a spot and pretty much lie there only moving when the other Pictus or the flying fox disturbs him. He does occassionally have a mad minute and swim the tank, only to settle back where he was. I've not seem him eat (or the other one for that matter for the reason explained above) and his pectoral fins (the very sharp, barbed ones) look as if they are red (as if bleeding internally). Not a lot but enough to be noticable. I'm hoping that it is just stress and he will settle down soon.
His fins don't seem to be clamped (at least not to a great degree) but he is much quieter than the other one.

Hope you can help.


I don't think pictus cat's should be kept in pairs so that may be a reason why one is quiter than the other.
keeping one on it's own makes it hide alot.
keeping two means one will get bullied.
keeping three is much better because these are social fish.

someone correct me if i'm wrong as i'm buying 2 more on friday for my lonesome pictus
A lot of experience with pictus varies, I kept 2 perfectly fine, another member here has a group that constantly bicker, others keep them singularly with no problems.
I think it really depends on the persons defineitions of aggression, hiding, un-sociable etc because without a clear-cut defineition it is hard to have a go with it...
If someone has a few 55gs lying about ( :lol: ) then it might be a cool idea to try an experiment of a keeping one single, a pair and a trio in others. Then see the differances whilst growing up and see how they get on with differant group sizes...

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