Feeding My New Cory


New Member
Oct 20, 2009
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ok so I got my first cory today. he is super cute - his name is bob, i love him! anyway i feed my fish tropical flakes and tubifex worms. the guy at the pet store said that i have to be careful with both these foods as they may not make it to the bottom. well turns out the other fish (mollies) dont like the tubifex so it sank to the bottom area. i was first wondering if you guys think that these two foods should be good for the cory....then i observed the cory swim up to the top and he is nibbling on the bigger chunks of tubifex that hasnt sank yet...is that normal or is my cory a weirdo? im just super worried that my cory wont get enough food...thanks everyone!
Cories are fab :good: what sort of cory is he? he could do with a few tank mates :)
I would get your cory some tetra prima granules/fast sinking pellets or similar,there's loads of the market,most corys love bloodworm,tubiflex,brineshrimp,algae wafers etc... :good:

With mine the other fish nab alot of food before it reaches the cories :rolleyes: ,the best way if your unsure whether the cory is getting his share is to get some food in between your fingers and put your hand right in the tank above the cory,this way hopefully he can have some before the mollies nab it.

Every so often i break in half a tabimin food tablet and put this in when the lights go out at night,cories love rooting around at night and will find them for a midnight feast. :)

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