Feeding my new Clown Pleco


Nyah Nyah Nyah!
Mar 12, 2005
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Well, last night was the new clown pleco's second night in the tank. I decided that I'd give him a treat to some frozen Brine Shrimp and an algae wafer. I dropped the algae wafer in, near to where he hangs out, and immediately my female balloon molly decided she was going to eat it. So i distracted her and the other fish by feeding them some brine shrimp through a pipette. (This way, i can ensure that everyone gets a fair amount - much like a mother bird feeding her chicks!). While they were diverted chewing on their mouthful, I squirted some shrimp right under the driftwood where he hangs out and on it and switched the light off.

Well, the Balloon Molly still kept eating the algae wafer, so I moved it under the driftwood bridge but she pulled it out again. Then I watched the clown pleco come out of hiding and start munching on the shrimp. It was awesome to watch. He kept going over to the algae wafer and then moving away from it, but this morning, it's gone, completely.

Who ate it?
How should I prepare the cucumber/squash to feed it? And how often?

All I do with my cucumber, is slice it thinly and peel it. Then scewer it with some 'lead' that you use for plants, and hey presto you have sinking cucumber !! :D
I feed my clown plecs zucchini. I just rinse, slice, and weigh it down (using plant weights). They love the skin. :drool:
cometcattle said:
I feed my clown plecs zucchini. I just rinse, slice, and weigh it down (using plant weights). They love the skin. :drool:
How often do you feed them? And what do you feed them?

I was intending on feeding mine an algae wafer every other day and alternating between brine shrimp and vegetable every 2 days. Or would that be too much?
I alternate between a slice of fresh veggie, algae wafer, and Hikari sinking wafers.

I will feed them this (an hour after lights out) every 2 or three days. I can see them eating frozen blood worm, and cichlid flake when I feed the other fish, so I don't feed them each night.

Also, they like wood to munch on, preferably the driftwood that most LFS sell already attached to slate. I've noticed they prefer that kind to bogwood.

IME, clown plecs put out ALOT of waste, so you might want to step up you water change/vacuuming schedule a bit.

ok great, thanks for the advice. I've got plenty of wood for him to chew on :D
cometcattle said:
IME, clown plecs put out ALOT of waste, so you might want to step up you water change/vacuuming schedule a bit.
I second that.

pseud, you are lucky that you get to see your clown pleco during the day. Mine is very shy and hides in his piece of wood whenever I walk by. It's a shame, since it's such a beautiful fish. I wish I could see more of it.

I cut a 1/4" slice of cuke or zucchini and microwave it for about 45 seconds in a small cup of water. This way it sinks without the aid of a weight. I do this just before lights out and remove anything uneaten in the morning. I feed fresh veggies every 2-3 days. They also love frozen peas. Just be sure not to nuke too long.
Gazoo said:
cometcattle said:
IME, clown plecs put out ALOT of waste, so you might want to step up you water change/vacuuming schedule a bit.
I second that.

pseud, you are lucky that you get to see your clown pleco during the day. Mine is very shy and hides in his piece of wood whenever I walk by. It's a shame, since it's such a beautiful fish. I wish I could see more of it.

I cut a 1/4" slice of cuke or zucchini and microwave it for about 45 seconds in a small cup of water. This way it sinks without the aid of a weight. I do this just before lights out and remove anything uneaten in the morning. I feed fresh veggies every 2-3 days. They also love frozen peas. Just be sure not to nuke too long.
Mine likes to think that he's hidden whenever I get close to the tank, but I can still see him lol

I fed him a piece of cucumber last night, and the balloon molly pecked at it for about an hour, I think eventually she left it alone but the clown pleco didn't seem interested. I came down this morning and it appears untouched, although I did see him dart away from it as i got closer to the tank. Not sure if he was ON it or just NEXT to it...

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