Feeding My Knife Fidh


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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I need some other food to feed it. Something that doesn't need to be frozen. Something different than frozen Brine Shrinp.

Any suggestions?
Freeze dried foods in my opinion are no good. They don't have the nutrients or the flavor of a frozen version of the same thing.
Freeze dried foods in my opinion are no good. They don't have the nutrients or the flavor of a frozen version of the same thing.

Hey asked for something that does not require freezing and I gave him a list. When a product is freeze dried all of the nutrition stays with the food and does not leech out.
During the period that I had my Clown Knife fish, I found that he was very easily weened onto Shrimp pellets... He seemed to love these things! Another suggestion for a knife fish could be live foods, or as already mention freeze dried foods. Although most freeze dried foods do float which may be a problem when trying to get a mid to bottom swimmer to eat floating foods... Depending on the size (and species) of the Knife fish, you could try LIVE river shrimp. These work very well and are full of nutrients. Another thing which I fed mine was Super worms. These worms are often available at stores such as Petsmart, they're loaded with protein and aid in rapid fish growth.

Hope this helps.

i feed mine mostly with adult brine shrimp and from time to time live tubifex
Freeze dried foods in my opinion are no good. They don't have the nutrients or the flavor of a frozen version of the same thing.

Hey asked for something that does not require freezing and I gave him a list. When a product is freeze dried all of the nutrition stays with the food and does not leech out.

oopsy. sorry it was 4 in th emorning I couldn't sleep because my fish were sick. Your right.

Except I don't agree withthe nutrituion statement, but to each his own.
Thanks for the replies.

It's for a 9 or 10 month old Black Ghost Knife and a very young (less than 2 months old) brown knife fish. Err...this is how long I've had 'em but I really don't know their ages.
Sizes are more important than ages really. Frozen food really will be best for them, prawns and bloodworm are favorites of mine. Why don't you want frozen food may I ask? Some do take pellets, but I wouldn't use them as a staple diet.

They don't have the nutrients or the flavor of a frozen version of the same thing.

Since when have you been trying them for taste? ;)

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