feeding my fish ants


Nov 4, 2003
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well i wanted to see if they would eat ants so this morn i got like 20 ants and threw them in there, i found them in a ball when i got home crawling all over each other trying to get out of the water(hence the ball) anyways my fishies didnt eat um... why not?

ill post more details later, yes there are some but im freaking tired and imma pas out now kthxbye
Yor fish did not eat them because they are herbivours that in the wild live near the bottomish in deep areas of the lake.

Where guess what? there are no ant's nor crawly bugs

Do not feed your mbuna live food as they are not acustomed to it nor is it overly healthy for them.

I mean would you eat an ant?
They have evolved to eat algae and awfuchs(sp) and hence are not made to eat insects, they have never seen an ant in there lives and are not made to eat ants therefore having no instincts to do so-that is why they did not eat it.

If you want to feed your fish live foods feed them live brine shrimp, young sea monkeys (they MIGHT go for that) but be stingy on these as it is not in there normal diet.

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