feeding my dwarf puffer


New Member
Sep 11, 2004
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Palm Bay, Florida
Two days ago I bought a dwarf puffer to put in my community tank. When I bought him he was in w/ tiger barbs, which is about my most troublesome fish in my tank since they can be a bit nippy. But he seems to fit in well w/ his tankmates, nobodys tried to hurt him and he doesnt seem interested in hurting my fish either.

I fed my puffer some snails last night. He loved them and ate about 7/8 of those tiny snails the pet store will give you for free. How many do you think is a good amount?

Also, I bought some frozen bloodworms. This morning I fed my other fish food in the rear of the tank and when they where all fighting for food i dropped the bloodworms in the front of the tank, where the puffer was sitting. The bloodworms fell all around him but he didnt eat them. But its like the smell did make him feel like there was food in there or something cuz he went back over to the empty snail shells and tried to eat them again. To me, it's like he doesnt recognize the bloodworms as food or something. Or maybe he just dont like them? I dunno cuz everyone said puffers should love bloodworms. What else should i try feeding him if he wont eat bloodworms? Thank you in advance for all your help.
Wow...mine (although I have GSP) love the stuff. Starve him for a day, then try. He may just eat them. And remove the snail shells from the tank, I've heard stories of them rotting and spoiling your params...
I feed him:
Freez dried...
& my own recipie...
my puffers & fighting fish love it.
Rivershrimp, Krill, bloodworms
& daphianas ground with water
& gelatine then frozen.
Because its a mix they pick out what they want like a salad.

I've hade THEM 2 weeks.
I just returned from the pet store and bought some brine shrimp frozen and he liked that. So thanks guys, im glad to find something that worked. And I'm going to remove those shell a.s.a.p.-thanks!

But it is kinda hard to make sure he's getting enough food w/ all the other fish in there with him, they love the shrimp also :) I think I'm gonna buy a 5 gallon for him. I want him to be healthy/happy. Does he need a heater?
Yes. Definately. And make sure you get him a really good filtaration, puffers are messy little critters. Keep him well fed - but not overfed - and give him loiads of places to hide! good luck!
I know you just corrected me on some things I was doing wrong, but Ive been watching my puffers since I got them and as I said in one of my other posts, my puffers love moving objects. Im dying to get some live brine and I should be getting some live black worms today. When I dropped the frozen food in front of the fish they saw it falling and followed it all the way down to the bottom but when it stopped, they hovered around it waiting for it to move again, and when it didn't they moved on. Mine have but a dent in the snail society. When they see them crawling they get right in the snails face then....BAM! They will go back to old shells like yours, but I think they are waiting for movement.

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