Feeding my corys


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
Hi there,

New to this part of the forum because i finally got some corys that I have been waiting ages for my tank to mature so I can get some!!!!

Anyway, my question is what is best to feed them on as the danios and the platys I have eat all the flake and the granules I use before any drops to the bottom for the corys.

I am going down my LFS tonight to get some algae wafers that will I assume sink faster and I want to get some bloodworm. Are they the best things for the corys and if so what is the best to feed the bloodworms to them, I have a bloodworm feeder ring or will it better to just to tip them straight in the water?

I have also heard cucumber can be used for ceratin catfish, will the corys like that?? One last thing is can anyone give me any advice on feeding the Borneo Sucker/Hillstream Loach and will it like the same sort of foods as the corys.

Thanks again everyone.
I'll make it short, simple:

very hungry fish in my tank:

2 discus
8 danio
5 clown loach

but still sink food to 13 cories..it's simple..soak flake before feeed..they the flake will sink right away before the danios gets it..hope it helps
Hi ghent_3rd :)

Corys need a balanced diet that includes a good amount of meaty food such as bloodworms. They only eat from the bottom of the tank so you will need to get their food down to them. A feeder ring will not work for them.

If you are feeding them live bloodworms, just drop them in. Your other fish will enjoy them too, and any that get loose and into the gravel will be eaten by the corys at their leisure. They love turning over the gravel in search of them.

Algae wafers are good too, especially if you drop one in after you turn the lights our. The corys will find them in the dark, while the other fish will not see them.

Try feeding the flake food by taking a pinch between your fingers and putting your hand under the water. Then flick them downward and they will all sink. :D
Thanks for your help on this matter guys, I will give those methods a try.

I fed my tank some frozen bloodworm tonight and they all loved it so I think I have found something that the little corys like :kana: :kana:

Looking to turn this tank into catfish tank over time, going to get some bogwood in there and really get something good going.

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