Feeding My Adf


Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 10, 2008
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Hi, I've had my ADF for about 2 years and recently he's begun to look a bit skinny. He did have 2 friends but they have passed (one died about 6 months ago, don't know why and one about a 18 months ago after a large apple snail pulled the filter guard off with it's weight and the ADF got sucked up the tube. Needless to say the snails were removed). Anyway, he's in the 120l with the tankmates in my sig. I feed him bloodworm with a pipette and I tried squirting the food over his head but he still seems to miss it so now I use tweezers to feed him 1 bloodworm at a time which is a real pain! I've been looking for HBH Frog and Tadpole bites as I don't think the bloodworm is giving him everything he needs but can't find any suppliers in the UK. I've seen people saying that Reptomin is good for ADFs but I thought I'd check here first and see what others use. Would this need soaking a bit first as he's never had dry food although I've seen him chomping on an algae wafer which leads me to believe that he's quite hungry :(
I have considered getting him some more friends but the problems I've had keeping him fed make me a bit reluctant...
I've only had my frogs a couple of months, and like you I couldn't find the HBH food in the UK. But I did find zoo med aquatic frog and tadpole food micropellets (on ebay) and that's what I've been giving mine, along with bloodworm, brine shrimp and daphnia. They eat everything.
Does anyone know if the zoo med pellets are as good as HBH?
I've not come across those one. My local P@H sells the Reptomin and loads of turtle/terrapin food but nothing for frogs and the lfs only have fish food (unsurprisingly).
I got mine from ebay. There are other on-line sellers too, just google zoo med frog food.
Reptomin turtle sticks are actually a great diet for these frogs - - I and other breeders I deal with swear by them.

Problem for you - they are floating sticks and with a community tank it will be hard for you to get the food to the frog.

also, you have quite a large amount of bottom dwellers between plecs, cories, shrimp, and the frog.

These frogs really work out best in a species only tank....is this a possibility?

if you could set him up on his own in a little 2.5 gallon if he is kept alone, or a 5 gal will be ok for 2-3 you will probably see a vast improvement in him as he can take his time and hunt out the food with out the fish finding it first.

it would also save you the aggravation of trying to hand feed him when he isn't looking to eat
Thanks for the replies! Originally he came with in a tank I bought 'with fish' and as he was alone I bought him some friends. I'll look into getting him a 2.5g tank and maybe gety him some more friends too. In the mean time I'll get the Reptomin and soak them so they sink and feed him with tweezers.
Thanks again,
if you plan on getting more frogs then you should really get at least a 5 gallon tank. 2.5 gallons is really ok for one.
Ah, OK. Would he be alright on his own in a tank?
yes. these frogs can live fine in groups or individually.
Thanks Jenste!
I invested in a tub of Reptomin yesterday and he loved it! I tried soaking it but after over an hour it still wouldn't stay sunk so I ended up hand feeding him again lol. I know they are designed to float but that takes the prize for never sinking.
for the Reptomin, after you break it into pieces, let them soak a bit the give the a little squeeze with your fingers under water - - this releases a bit of air in them and should help get them to sink :good:
I've been hand feeding the reptomin for several days now and he's plumped up nicely again! He looks just like an ADF should do, thanks for all the help.
yay!!!! :yahoo:

any chance for pictures?
I'll see if he will cooperate! I can still see his spine but he's got a nice round tummy. I was surprised with the speed at which he took to the pelleted food having never tried him with it before.
Watch this space for a photo!

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