feeding mollies


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Devon, UK
I have two questions

Do mollies eat blue/green alge? Is this safe for them? Does this count as food for the day?


When people recommend how much to feed fish (ie as much as they eat in three mins) surely they cant mean mollies right? :huh:

because I only have two in the tank and they may not be typical of the species but Im willing to bet they could very easily consume not only the pinch I give them but also at least quarter of the bag of food in three mins between them, they are the biggest pigs I have ever met ;)

ok that was more than two questions :p lol sorry

edit: spelling
FIRSTLY LOL!!!!!!!....now you will find mollies wont eat that much. Algae is fine but hsould be fed there usual food also.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I know what you mean mine are the biggest pigs I have ever seen, even my babies :D

I feed mine 2 times a day thats the adults, I feed my babies 2-3 times a day...I out about a pinch to 1 1/2 pinch depending...But I have other fish in there, and they eat it all in less than a minute :lol:

And after they eat their food, they find my plecos algae wafer and eats that!! and that make my Pleco very very mad, he chases them around harder than his normal chasing :lol:
:lol: your right about the algae wafer my mollies do this everytime I put one in as my plec is a shy guy the eat it all up before he realises its in the the tank, but I havent seen him fight for it as he is very shy. :hyper:
I wish "Fred" was shy!!!! I have never seen a pleco like him, He swims the whole tank. top.bottom, and middle, chases my mollies but not the guppies except when his wafers are in there...He knows excatly when they are in there, he looks the minute they drop to the bottom :lol: Hes all flared up when hes eating trying to tell the other fish to stay away, but it doesnt do any good, My Male Molly will eat it with him, until "Fred" chases him away and then that gives the guppies time to take a bit...

As for now I divide it into and put one half at one end of the tank and the other and the other end, that way they wont fight as much, but they always do!! :fun:

My Pleco is such a big bully!!! 8)
I got the algae wafers for my African Dwarf frogs, and I placed it in the little cave thing that the frogs hang out in purposely so that the fish wouldn't eat it...well, my male molly went straight in and started pecking away at it...the poor frogs probably didn't even know what was going on. When the other fish went to see what he was doing, he chased them out of the cave. :sly: Big bully. So I stuck my hand in and kept him away from it so that the frogs could eat....the mollies always eat their food...that is why I got the wafers...so my frogs could eat for a change. :rolleyes:
hey i have a question i want a pletco but i heard they get real big and i was wondering if they all get that way and if they do how long i was about to get one about 21/2 long and see but then i would have to do something with it if it got huge someone plz help
dirty332 said:
hey i have a question i want a pletco but i heard they get real big
Hi, actually you can get lovely (?) dwarf plecos. Actually, they're ugly so-and-sos but they can look very similar to the common pleco and only grow about 5" long maximum. Ancistrus, or Bristle-nosed Plecs are good.
Yes, my two mollies could eat every minute of the day. They attack the food like it's their last meal! As for the algea, yes its a must in a molly tank.
Add me to the list of people with greedy mollies. That's why my male sailfin is called Dyson. His No.1 Mrs is called Ewbank.

Apologies to the non-Britons who won't get the joke.
I never thought about it before but my male Sailfin molly is such a pig. He easily eats twice as much as every other fish in the tank :D . He is quite a happy thing but I worry he might get a belly ache :sick: . He He He LOL
Aren't fish fun?
ketyana said:
I have two questions

Do mollies eat blue/green alge? Is this safe for them? Does this count as food for the day?
I'm not aware of anything that eats blue-green algae. It's generally considered an infection in your tank and needs treating with a blue-green algae treatment. Blue-green algae is actually related to bacteria.

So, please feed your mollies as well as looking into treating your blue-green algae problem. Mollies will eat green algae, but they need other nutrients found in fish food.

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