Feeding Lps


Fish Aficionado
Sep 3, 2006
Reaction score
Sheffield, England
Just got soem duncans and catalaphyllia to add to the few i have already.

just wondering if they would benefit from being fed? what how and much?

Ok i had a few prawns in the fridge so i diced one up for the clowns as they love em.

I tried with a pair of tweezers just wafting one little piece slowly around the tenticles of some of my lps. They grabbed it and took it in :hyper: was quite amazing to see tbh.

Biggest eater by far was the torch.

The other Euphyllia of the 3 seemed a big eater aswel, the hammer didnt though.

Duncans and cat seemed to like it too. They munched a few little pieces.

I feed my elegance every other day and it really appreciates that. I also feed the Fungia Spp which again is really beneficial as the coral extends its tentacles and shows more colour. I think elegance needs the additional nutrition as it normally lives in nutrient rich muddy substrate same as the fungia and Duncan's for that matter. Hammer, frogspawn and torch however are more in open nutrient deficient water (if there is such a thing in the ocean) so require just adequate lighting. They will pick up any scraps left in the column after feeding the fish anyway. LPS corals like sun coral are obligate zooplankton-vores; they don't photosynthesize so you have to feed them.
Normally I use brine shrimp (and cyclops for the sun coral to encourage polyps out then brine shrimp) and on very rare occasions a little mysis. The brine shrimp are really the staple of the diet though....

Hope this helps

Duncans especially are voracious feeders IME. And when you feed them, their growth will explode. If you don't feed, growth will be very slow. Elegance corals on the other hand can be a bit tempermental eaters. Some times mine eats like crazy, other times it doesn't bother. Ironically enough it always seems to eat when its clownfish surrogates bring it food...
That must have been really cool to watch Ben :good: My frogspawn usually spits out anything I give it :nod:

Seffie x

Ben is that a carpenter flasher wrasse you have? Sorry question in wrong thread but I was here so I wrote.....

Yea, McCoskers flasher :good: Hes's my fave fish i think.

Theres a video in my thread of him showing off if you want to see.
Theres a video in my thread of him showing off if you want to see.

I have already seen it; very impressive display they have. If I were a female Wrasse........... LOL :lol:. I have been looking around my local fish shops and no one has ever seen them in my local area. A shame because I think one would be the crowning glory in my tank. My god Chaetomorpha can really grow; I bought a clump a week or two back off Ebay and it has already doubled in size. Now the urchin has gone I can place some in the display tank and let the snails have a munch :hey: .

Anyway regards
The Cat will be pretty much fine left to its own devices, I feed my Duncans and Blastos two, three times a week and this really gets them going.
I use a large syringe with a length of airline attached, feed the shrimps first, they love to sit on the end of the airline and forage on what I slowly squeeze down the pipe. Once they've had their fill then I can move onto the rest ie Sun Coral, Blasto and the Duncans. I feed all the usual frozen food stuffs, as well as freshly hatched BBS.
Theres a video in my thread of him showing off if you want to see.

I have already seen it; very impressive display they have. If I were a female Wrasse........... LOL :lol:. I have been looking around my local fish shops and no one has ever seen them in my local area. A shame because I think one would be the crowning glory in my tank. My god Chaetomorpha can really grow; I bought a clump a week or two back off Ebay and it has already doubled in size. Now the urchin has gone I can place some in the display tank and let the snails have a munch :hey: .

Anyway regards


If i upgrade soon, which i hope to do so in the next year or so. Then il be on the look out for two females to go with him.

The Cat will be pretty much fine left to its own devices, I feed my Duncans and Blastos two, three times a week and this really gets them going.
I use a large syringe with a length of airline attached, feed the shrimps first, they love to sit on the end of the airline and forage on what I slowly squeeze down the pipe. Once they've had their fill then I can move onto the rest ie Sun Coral, Blasto and the Duncans. I feed all the usual frozen food stuffs, as well as freshly hatched BBS.

Thanks, i have something i can knock up similar to that! will stop me getting my arm wet too :)

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