feeding live foods


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
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i'm wondering, if i feed my fish live foods, like live bloodworms or brine shrimp, can the food bring diseases to the tank??
it depends on where you get the food from, but generally ive found live food pretty safe.
but if your worried you could always try frozen which ive found works well too.
Apart from frozen, you can also get sachets of bloodworms, daphnia and brine shrimps in jelly. I get something called Tetradelica. All my fish adore them and they are quite handy to use.
if you buy the live foods from a pet store, there is next to chance to getting a disease, unless you mean feeder fish, which are prone to disease!

there is no store in my area that carie live fish food though, besides earthworms
brinshrimp Blood worms etc, have a 80% chaance of NOT carrying diseases.except feeder guppies, etc do have a very high chance of diseases

One of my Rams had an internal bacteria problem, the LFS reckoned it was due to the live bloodworms i fed them.

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