Feeding Help


Jan 15, 2008
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Looking for help on feeding my catfish please. Stock list is:

5 Adult Panda Cory (1.1/2" - 2")
3 Young Panda Cory (1" - 1.1/4")
3 Albino Cory (1"-2")
2 BN Plec (1 x 4" - 1x 2")

I have algae wafers, sinking wafers, flake, frozen - bloodworm, whiteworm, mussel, daphnia, brine shrimp, cyclops.

There are also about 20 panda fry currently on Hikari first bites.

So can anyone help me with a Mon- Sun feeding plan?
Ok... Maybe it would help if i told you what they are eating atm?

Each day they get 3 sinking wafers and half an algae wafer. They also get 1/2 a large cube of frozen food, bloodworm once a week then a mix for the rest of the week. On sunday they dont eat.
Sorry Cooper I am just closing up to go home and may not get back till tonight--umm, about 14 hours. I will dialogue then. :nod:

But it sounds like with just a brief scan that you may be overfeeding.
Yeah it feels that way to me, im still new to all this i guess :) Il keep an eye on the thread, there having another starving day today. Look forward to your reply :p
Sorry, Cooper.

I didn't quite see what you meant with the feeding schedule you are using. Are you feeding the pellets and the other treats too at the same time?

A sure fire test of overfeeding is snails. An increase in snails is a sure sign that there is too much food. The other test of course is that the food is not eaten or there is food and the Corys, et al, are satisfied and stopped foraging. The most that number of Corys would need a day would be 1-1.5 tabs. 1/2 algae wafer sounds about right--skip days though. I would do 1 sinking tab a day, and see how they do Let them make it up on the treats. :)

Really, I pretty much guess most days myself. LOL
The problem with these corys always seem hungry. The algae wafers should be mainly for the plecs, you think 1/2 is about right?

And with the sinking wafers (Hikari) you think 1-1/2 should be enough?

As for the treats i have been feeding them with the wafers. Do you think i should be alternating? I.E wafers Mon, frozen Tuesday etc?

Cheers sue :p
hi cooper

i feed my corys 6 times a week missing a wensday unless im spawning them then its 7

monday they get pellets
tuesday blood worms and flake
wensdays nothing
thursdays pellet and dafnia
fridays pellet and flake
satdays brineshrimp and pellet
sundays flake pellets bloodworm tubafix

i just put enuff in what they eat withing 1 hour and its always all gone within that time
Thanks for the reply :)

The cubes of frozen i have are about 3/4" square. How much frozen do you feed with the pellets?

Im just trying to get it right atm, struggling because i want to make sure they all get enough including the plecs!
i put 1 cube in Cooper2085
but that feeds double the corys youve got so try choping it in half and just puting the half in instead ov the full cube to see if they eat it all :good:
I think its ruto that i have. If so then yeah because my fish love them!

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