feeding greens ?

Ted H

New Member
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Cumbria ..UK
Im aware that its possible to feed the fish some green vegetables. how this best done and what do they like best ?
I tried adding one or two peas to the tank but after an initial feed, the peas sank into the gravel and got mouldy and had to be cleaned out.
any ideas would be helpfull .. if only to save my plants !
I've put cucumber in my tank, just cut a thick slice off, cut it in half and put it in. You may need to weigh it down though to stop it floating.

I've heard that lettuce and sprouts work well too, but again they tend to float off if not weighed down. I blanched a sprout and put in once, the catfish seemed to like it.

After a day or so you'll need to take them out to stop them rotting.

What fish are eating your plants?
Yeah, we need to know which fish.

Try rommaine lettuce or soft greens. You could boil peas to soften them.
brocoli is also very good for plecs and most cichlids... also helps malawis from getting bloat (supposedly)

my fish go nuts for peas , cucumber, lettuce and sproats
are you trying for them not to eat the plants? I have anacrais(not Spelled right) and i just plant that for the fish to eat because thats why i plant them is to help the fish out right?
I regularly feed cucumber. The pleco loves it and so does the Gourami. Tried lettuce but doesn't seem as popular.
i feed my fish cucumber and they love it :)
it seem to be the platties that do most of the eating of the plants .. tho I have seen the mollies having a go too..... the other fish are as shown in my signature
Cucumber works well for me aswell, pumpkin only worked with my pleco as well as zuchini.
You can just buy a veggie diet in cubes, im still yet to any here in melbourne

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