Feeding Fun


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, UK
Hi everyone,

My boyfriend recently aquired two gorgeous Featherfin Catfish. They are great, although we don't see them much as they hide away most of the time at the moment. I am a little worried that they might not be getting enough to eat, as everytime we put food in for them, the other fish in there grab it all first. I think that they are still quite shy and getting used to their new home so they don't come right out when we put food in. Anyone have any ideas on how I can make sure they get what they need?
featherfins come out at night so put some sinking wafers in before bed and they'll probably munch them when everyones asleep
Yeah, I have read that they are nocturnal, but also I have read that they will often come out during the day. I haven't seen hide nor hair of either of them today though. Anyway, I will try what you suggest, thanks :)
I have some kind of small size synos with Moba Frontosas. When they were alone I saw them out alot, but after the Fronties were added, I only see them when I move the rocks. I have sometimes wondered if they were still alive. But eventually they show up healthy and well. They mosey through the rocks and disappear again. I have had them for 6 or more months.

I also have 8 dwarf petrocolas alone in a tamk. I really worried that they were not getting enough food, because as soon as I put food in the Malaysian Trumpet snails would pile on the wafers and cover it. But they have been just fine since last February. They disapear as soon as the light goes on or I walk by the tank.

Why are there no pictures of these lovelies?
Featherfins get more adventurous as they grow older. I hardly saw my 2 for nearly a year (only 1" when i got them), they are now young adults and are out most of the time, day or night.
Well they came out quite a few times yesterday evening at feeding time, and the lights were still on, so hopefully they are getting a bit more adventurous now. They still prefer to keep to the edges of the plants and rocks, don't really like the open space at the front, but it's encouraging. I think it helps that we have moved our Bolivian Ram which seemed to be scaring them off when they tried to go for any food!

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