Feeding Fry


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
Well of my previous batches I've had one survivor each time.
Adopted a different approach this time using an ice cream tub as a hatchery instead of a net hatchery (doesn't seem to allow water to circulate and is hard to keep clean) or plastic hatchery (teeny little cory fry fall through the slots in the bottom and get eaten by gobies!).
So, ice cream tub (floated in parents tank) with air stone, 50% daily water change (from parents tank), java moss to hide in and this time instead of finely crushed flake, spirulina, etc I bought some liquifry - I know people have said it pollutes the water, but as I'm doing at least 50% water changes per day it seems to have done the trick.
There were a few losses immediately after hatching (not sure why) and a few more in the 2-3 days after hatching.
This time I've got 5 survivors and now that they are around 1-1.25cm the liquifry doesn't seem as if it's going to be enough to fill their little bellies.
Should I start introducing other food now or stick with the liquifry for a while longer?
Well of my previous batches I've had one survivor each time.
Adopted a different approach this time using an ice cream tub as a hatchery instead of a net hatchery (doesn't seem to allow water to circulate and is hard to keep clean) or plastic hatchery (teeny little cory fry fall through the slots in the bottom and get eaten by gobies!).
So, ice cream tub (floated in parents tank) with air stone, 50% daily water change (from parents tank), java moss to hide in and this time instead of finely crushed flake, spirulina, etc I bought some liquifry - I know people have said it pollutes the water, but as I'm doing at least 50% water changes per day it seems to have done the trick.
There were a few losses immediately after hatching (not sure why) and a few more in the 2-3 days after hatching.
This time I've got 5 survivors and now that they are around 1-1.25cm the liquifry doesn't seem as if it's going to be enough to fill their little bellies.
Should I start introducing other food now or stick with the liquifry for a while longer?
What kind of cories are they and how many days ago did they hatch?
By 3-4 weeks old I would be feeding them on adult foods crushed up for them, but others may disagree. Its always worked for me so far.
Hi JustKia :)

By all means, get them off the LiquiFry and onto more substantial fare. If you don't think they are big enough for crushed flake, Hikari First Bites seems to be a good next step. Or try adding larger bits of flake and watching to see if they nibble them when they reach the bottom and soften. As a general rule, if they have rounded, healthy looking bodies, they are getting enough to eat.

Before long you will also be able to shave tiny bits off a block of frozen bloodworms. They will love them. :D
Oooh frozen bloodworm shavings - great idea, and other fishies can get a treat too (ie the rest of the frozen[thawed] cube).

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