Feeding freshwater stonefish


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2004
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I bought a f/w stonefish yesterday and it ate some whitebait after it had gotten dark but i do not no if i should feed it every day or every other day
Im afraid to tell you but your fish is probably not actually freshwater but a brackish/marine dwelling species of the Batrachus genus which will not live long if kept in freshwater.
Fish such as these only need feeding a large meal every three to four days.
It could be a Notesthes robusta or Bullrout. These are native to Australia and can be found in freshwater creeks. I've never heard of them being for sale commercially though.
Although Notesthes robusta is occasionally found in the wild in freshwater (as well as brackish and marine), it does considerably better in captivity in brackish water and will feed much more readily.

A store near me has one right now and I keep having to stop myself.... :drool:


Beautiful fish.
They are found mainly in brackish enviroments at the mouths and esturies of large rivers.
thanks i will now have to add some salt then because thats the only fish in the tank
shawy said:
thanks i will now have to add some salt then because thats the only fish in the tank
Remember that keeping a brackish fish involves rather more than 'adding some salt'

Read more about it here
Thanks for that, i have already got all of the bits from my dads old marine tank

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