Feeding Foods To Plecos?


New Member
Jul 23, 2007
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is it true that you can feed other things to plecos like apples and lettuce and stuff? if so, name a few?? thanks!
yeah. vegetables. they love it. especially cucumbers. or you could try algae wafers.
i have a nice black pleco and i thought ALL my fish would enjoy a nice slice of cucumber... but no, they are afraid of it.. even my pleco will let me pet him but they are afraid of their veggies, those naughty fish!

but my pleco LOVES the algae wafers, so much he doesn't like to share. what a piggy.
my bn pleco gets cucumbers when he's good. :)
I used to slice up cucumber, put it on a fork handle and dig the fork into the substrate, they loved that.
I also used to feed my bigger plecos muscles, they loved that too!
i have a nice black pleco and i thought ALL my fish would enjoy a nice slice of cucumber... but no, they are afraid of it.. even my pleco will let me pet him but they are afraid of their veggies, those naughty fish!

but my pleco LOVES the algae wafers, so much he doesn't like to share. what a piggy.
Size for size, I'd be scared ifI woke to find a masive green thing in my room!
Did you slice it?
Germ has a good point: some plecs, such as commons, sailfins and bristlenoses are mainly vegetarians, others like leopard frogs (I believe) like a higher meat content in their diet. Further vegetable suggestions: broccoli, peas, broad beans, spinach, potatoes, sprout.
My common pleco will eat: cucumber, zuchini, lettuce, kiwi, peach, pear, pumpkin, potato, tomato and red pepper. He will usually sample any veggie or fruit I offer, and he prefers his produce to be very ripe.

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