Feeding Fish Live Ghost Shrimp


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
Okay, I have a 30 gallon set-up, see it here, and it currently has 1 Marbled Sand Goby, 1 Senegal Bichir, and 1 Bristlenose Plecostomus, and I am going to get the following for it: 6 Boesemani Rainbowfish, 1 Reedfish, 3 Banjo Catfish, and 1 Striped Raphael Catfish. I currently feed my goby and my bichir frozen krill, but I have an empty 5 gallon set-up that I could use to raise ghost shrimp to feed my larger fish. How exactly would I feed fish that are use to having frozen food some live ghost shrimp, and is it even good for the fish?

Thanks for the help!

Live feeders are a sgood as the food given to the feeder. Gut load the shrimp on decent flake food and they will become a good food source.

As to feeding, just drop them in the tank, the fish will hunt them down.
river shrimp are hard to keep alive
you might be better of trying guppies :good:
plus you can gutload guppies on a much bigger variety of foods
river shrimp are hard to keep alive
you might be better of trying guppies :good:
plus you can gutload guppies on a much bigger variety of foods
Really? I just dump some salt in a tank without a heater and leave them to it, you get a few die off in the first couple of days, but after that they are fine.
would any of the fish he has mentioned eat live shrimp?

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