feeding figure 8's


New Member
Dec 31, 2004
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can i feed my figure eight puffers seafood sticks!

what else can i feed them and where do i get things like shelled prawns and stuff from
Frozen prawns (thawed) from your supermarket are good, cooked or raw. I would think that seafood sticks would be ok, as long as they were 100% seafood with no additives.

You can try with the seafood sticks, but they may not like them!.. none of our puffers will even try them.

We buy all the seafood we feed our puffers from the frozen cabinet at our local supermarket.

Frozen whole prawns
frozen peeled prawns
frozen tiger prawns
frozen cockle
frozen mussel
frozen whitebait.
Sir knows quite a lot about puffers! but i have seen puffers fed on aquatic snails, crab and shrimp (admittedly the crab was a VERY large mbu puffer devouring a rainbow crab) i tend to find anything in a shell gets these little guys goin (or big in the case of mbus........)
Seafood sticks are actually mostly vegetable starch and only have a small content of fish protein.
Some veggies won't do a puffer any halm though, it just won't be as nutritious as unprocessed seafood and should therefore not be the main diet of the fish.

However, it's unlikely that the puffers won't eat it anyway. *shrugs*

Oddball is right that anything with a shell seems to get puffers excited, especially if it scuttles!
My puffers will go for anyrthing that moves...I was experiemnting, going by the fact that a little bit of flake wouldn't do any harm.....they ate it all up. Although I never feed it to them anyway, because bloodworm is what they like best! :nod: and it shouldn't be the main part of their diet :no:
Gimli said:
Not sure but I think you can feed them frozen food such as frozen white mosqiuto lava.
Yep that's absolutely fine.

The trick is to feed them on as many different things as they will take, and not to just rely on one source of food. That way lies malnutrition, dropsy & death.

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