Feeding Crayfish

I give mine an alhea wafer just before I turn the lights out, I take out all the food that he hasn't eaten.
so just the one is enough ?

that would depend on the Cray's size. but, if you add too much, it will leave it!

its, usually, recommended to add food every other day. personally, i tend to avoid, mass produced food, especially if it is branded as "cray food". a chunk of veg (a bit bast its best) along with a small amount of protein/meat, twice a week. don't worry if the cray takes a day or so to eat the veg, that's normal.
don't feed anything with calcium, as an ingredient. cray don't eat calcium. well they will, but it just plops out the other end, unused.
dont feed crab or shrimp food either.

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