Feeding Corrys


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2010
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Hi, i have had 2 corys in my tank for quite some time and they seem to do really well. I am away to up the quantity to 6 though, so i was wondering about feeding.

At the moment i just feed all my fish either normal flakes, blood worms or shrimp and the corys eat the mess on the floor. If i am going to up the amount of corys, should i start putting in bottom feeders food?

In the past when i have put in the sinking pellets, all the other fish eat it before the bottom feeders get anywhere near them.... So i gathered there was not much point.

I also have a rainbow shark and an algae eater on the bottom of my tank.

if they struggle to get to the food before its all gobbled up by the others then feed then sinking food after the lights have gone out. this will reduce the amount eaten by the othrs and give the corys a chance. they are most active at night :good:
Hi, i have had 2 corys in my tank for quite some time and they seem to do really well. I am away to up the quantity to 6 though, so i was wondering about feeding.

At the moment i just feed all my fish either normal flakes, blood worms or shrimp and the corys eat the mess on the floor. If i am going to up the amount of corys, should i start putting in bottom feeders food?

In the past when i have put in the sinking pellets, all the other fish eat it before the bottom feeders get anywhere near them.... So i gathered there was not much point.

I also have a rainbow shark and an algae eater on the bottom of my tank.


I feed mine sinking catfish pellets. Just make sure you add them when feeding the others flakes and try to add them as close as you can to the corys. They should find them. I love watching mine eat them, so funny with thier barbels!! if the other fish are eating them then add a couple more, as long as it all gets eaten there shouldnt be a problem.
i am worried that there is a rainbow shark however. I have had bad experiences with my old one. Chased all other bottom dwellers, so moved him to my tank without bottom fish and then he chased my angles and cherry barbs!! so had to give him away. Think he may have just been a moodie old man though! :p
Thanks for the replys.

Everybody warns of overfeeding the fish - is this just because uneaten food will rot? I gather you cant make fish ill by giving them plenty food? The reason i ask is because i fed my fish already today, then just added the bottom feeders pellet now. All the other fish ate it first again, so figured i'd check. I will try adding the pellet when the lights are off though.

What exactly do the corrys eat? I thought it was the rubbish from the other fish? If i am right, then if i add a pellet then does that mean my tank will get dirtier as they detract from the cleaning? How do i know if they are running out of 'waste' food and need a pellet....or of course if adding a pellet is not needed? I am confused :p

Oh, and the shark. I have heard many mixed reports about the rainbow shark. When i first got him, he was stroppy! However i then redesigned the tank so that there are a lot more dark areas, and he calmed right down. I have heard that when he gets bigger he may get stroppy again. But by that stage i will either have a bigger tank, additional tank, or i will gift him to my friend that wants him :p
can get various sinking pellets and algae wafers, mine do fine with both :good:

also from your post above most fish will proberly pretty much eat themselves to death, just make sure their stomach's arnt absolutely buldging after you feed and your good. and if they do just feed smaller ammounts maybe give them 1 day a week to fast. and the water polluting obviously :fun:
corys are not tank hoovers and need feeding a balanced diet just like any fish. they will eat flake, prima, pellets, bloodworm, brineshrimp etc etc but they need their fair share to be healthy.
really? I did not know that. I have never seen my corys eat blood worms or anything.

I am still confused with the quantity of food to give though. I tried half a pellet now that the lights are off....dropping it right next to where the corys were, and still, all the other fish came and pushed their way in to get it first. If i put in more than one, or spread it out, that means that the other fish are getting two feedings a day.... is that ok? It still means that the corys are not getting a decent meal though....

Will the Corys eat potatoes and cucumber and such, or is that just the plecs? If yes, how do i sink it? I saw somewhere a corkscrew type thing that you put it one and sink it, but have never seen it since! Any ideas? Any limitations with metal that i can sink it with due to toxins? What quantity would i give of that? Do i just put it in for a few hours and then take the rest out before it starts rotting?


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