Feeding Confusion


New Member
Dec 22, 2009
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I have a betta with an African Dwarf Frog and i've been feeding them bloodworms. I want to put in some catfish but can they eat bloodworm? I seem to remember reading somewhere that they would die if they ate worms. Also an suggestions as to what catfish to put in there? I just need some to eat the uneaten food and stuff.
if you just monitor how much you feed you should not have uneaten food laying around - certainly not enough to sustain another fish!

this means you are severely over feeding.

What kind of set up do you have? how many gallons, filter type etc.

you should not need a separate fish just to clean up. definitely not in a tank as small as one used to house a betta and ADF
I dont think i'm over feeding them tonnes. There's just small bits that get left over, and i would feed the catfish pellets too. I have a 60l tank with dividers so 3 20L sections and an external filter. The compartment just looks a little empty with just them in it.

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