Feeding Catfish


Fish Aficionado
Oct 4, 2007
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whats the best way to feed synodontis in a malawi tank without them eating the foos, as i use to keep bn's in with the malawis but as sson as u put cucmber, tablets etc in for the bn's the malawis eat it and bn's werent getting much food , so had to take them out , i even tried feeding at night a couple of times but they still ate it.

any ideas??
Can you get a plastic tube and spot feed at night? That way the food will go down the tube to the bottom of the tank. The cichlids won't be able to get it...until it comes out. What about sprinkling a little of the malawis food right after the food starts going down the tube? sort of as a distraction, plus maybe that feeding action at lights out will stimulate the snyos to come get their meal?

Just a thought...I don't have any syno's yet but plan to get a few after my fish make their move :)

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