Feeding Catfish Help


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I have a black collared catfish (came with a tank I bought) but I am having trouble feeding him. I only see him in the very early hours of the morning (7am ish) and have tried adding food to the tank them but it shows no interest? I sat up last night till nearly 2am waiting for it to emerge so I could try feeding him but once my eyes started to close I gave up and just added some bloodworm pellets and hoped he would feed. I have tried prawn, different catfish pellet, bloodworm pellet but nothing seems to tempt him to eat. When I do see him he does have a good shape so he is not loosing weight, just worried I am not taking propper care of him.
try putting the food in them switching the lights of my banjo wont feed unless the lights are off. some cucumber and peas might work aswell my catfish love them.
Should have said the lights were off. I think I may have to move him to another tank as he is in with my big plecs, but will try peas see if that will tempt him. Thanks
yh it might feed when your not there at night ive neverseen my banjo feed but hes fine. if it dosnt look skinny then i would just carry on doing what you are :D
Thanks everyone, its hard to keep checking on him as he never comes out lol. He is a stunning fish when he does decide to show himself. I cant find out much info on him as they are suppose to be quite rare?
duno if you have alredy looked on planet catfish but

this bit from there might help
Feeding: An easy fish to feed. All prepared and frozen foods are taken usually under cover of darkness although with age the fish does become bolder.
IME Horabagrus are extremely noctunal and tbh I wouldn't worry about it not 'visibly' feeding. I once brought one which dissapeared a few days later and I assumed it had died and been eaten, however about 8 months later I went to strip down the tank and I found it, fat, healthy and 5" longer

If you want to see them feed you are best adding food last thing at night, with my raphael cats I tend to add a small amount of food at about 10.30-11pm at which time they are happy to venture straight out to feed.
Maybe you could start off feeding them late and then over time feed them earlier and earlier until it is more confident to come out

Foodwise you could try live mealworms to start with, (or earthworms) If you get a few of these riggling nearby I'm sure it would be tempted
He probably is feeding somewhere, I was thinking I may try him in the frontosa tank as that will be more dimly lit, he just maybe more comfortable, dont know how the fronts would take it?. My hubby thinks I am nuts keep setting my alarm just to watch a fish lol

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