Feeding Bleeding Heart Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Carlsbad, California
Hey guys i got 8 bleeding heart tetras on the 11th and feeding them seems to be semi difficult. They wont come up to the top and get the food and usually only go for it when it sinks down, and even then they suck it in then spit it out but im unable to see if they actually eat any of it. So far I've fed them TetraMin flakes and NLS pellets and its the same with both food. Do these fish just eat very little or am i just missing something? Any input would be greatly appreciated!
I'd imagine they're just settling in a bit. Find out what the LFS was feeding them and try some of that until they're more comfy in their new home.
I've noticed that bleeding hearts don't seem to like feeding from the surface. I can't recall ever seeing mine eat that way. Try some black worms or frozen brine shrimp. They will eventually eat whatever you feed, it just takes time.
Alright thanks for the quick help guys I appreciate it, puts my mind at ease a bit. Just fed them and most of them eat a tad as it was falling and a few darted to the top real fast splashing water out of my tank. Im just worried then when i get my Dwarf gourami in a few weeks that he may eat every thing. But my guess is that there not going to let themselves starve.
Mine don't like eating from the top either, they WILL but they won't get as much as if I sink the food for them (just take a pinch of flakes in my fingers and put it under the water then let go and swirl it around a bit) because the other fish in the tank eat it before they get up the "courage" to grab some from the surface, so I tend to sink it for them. They eat from the top by darting up really fast, grabbing the food, and shooting back down, often splashing out some water.

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