feeding betta fry


starting with infusoria and turn over to vinegar eals and microworms would do much better and give you a faster and more steady growing of the fries ;)

in my personal philosophy, feeding starts with eggs in the nest. i give them infusoria (clearly culture) from the first day on. you`ll see that if they can eat immidiately they grow much better, develope better and suffer much less from any illness ;)

dietmar :hyper:
ooooo i was told they onli need bbs and thats all i have :no: will they do
my bbs have just hatched today.
BBS are really not very nutritional once they're over 6 hours old, they should be fed immediately upon hatching, that being said...you'll need to restart your hatchery daily :/

infusoria are fantastic and abundant, so are microworms :nod: I've never tried vinegar eels
well, in my personal opinion vinigar eals are really perfekt. if you feed only this or only that, the little fries will develope not as good as they could do ;) and the little eals are something they could really hunt and catch - perfekt food, you should try it out i think :hey:

dietmar :hyper:

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